Saturday, October 14, 2017

OVERDRIVE- BUFFALO TD-X ...the tubeless 'Gilmour' tube OD...surprisingly good


$265.00 USD
Dave Gilmour once used the B K Butler Tube driver a OD with a 12aux7 tube in it.
The pedal shows up used and there are several unofficial copies out there.
Buffalo TDX set out to clone this pedal but eliminate the tube. Oddly enough what was lost in the translation was gained by eliminating the fizz and other anomalies and
adding some very nice headroom.
It it has a very balzy sound ...oddly un-Gilmour lol.
I quite like it.
Will I buy one.
I will try my best not to ...LOL

The down side is it is both big in both size and price.
It is in ways unique but there are a lot different sounding pedals that are around $200.00 USD.
There are others I would prefer that are both smaller and cheaper.

I quite like it!!!

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